Overseer Games
14. tra 2022.
Overseer Games partners up with Digital Reef Games to explore uncharted territories in Aquatico
It is with great pleasure and honor that we can announce a new stage in the development of Overseer Games. Following the successful publishing of our debut title, Patron, in 2021, we've partnered up with Digital Reef Games to co-produce and publish a project of their own: Aquatico.
For more information on the game, please check out Aquatico subpage, or if you prefer, you can also go directly to the Steam store page and add it to your wishlist or perhaps add to your follow list.
Both we here at Overseer and the developers @ Digital Reef are eager to show more info on the game, and rest assured, in due time we will. What we can tell you is that the current plan is to join in on the festivities of the next upcoming Steam Next Fest!
We hope to see You there too!